Friday 23 November 2012

Nyonya Cuisine in Malacca

Masakan nyonya ni korg leh try dekat area jonker..x tahu gune GPS if x de tanyela owg..btw sume owg mlake tahu kawasan jonker 2..paling famous Jonker 88

1st of all these photos credit to MR google..n bloggers..sharing is caring..heheheh
mmg sesak nk order kene baris panjang2..kalo x sbr mmg keblakang pusing ler...

 Pai Tee mst order ase sgt fresh

 Addicted with diz cendol..Jonker 88 ni byk jenis cendol..korg x yh pening pale nk order y mn k.korg cr y paling murah n 2 la y paling sedap...rase asli..seyes ok..Ais die sgt2 smooth mcm kapas..mayb cm salji tp x sure cz x pnh pegang salji hahahha..Gule Mlake sgt pekat mmg pure..Jonker 88 ni pon ade jual gule mlake..bli la wat buah tangan utk mentua..heheh.. n paling best skali santan sgt pekat...pas mkn cendol ni korg x lyn dh cendol tmpt laen..mmg terbaik...cube bygkn ble korg suapkn kt mulot cair beb..huh x larat nk bygla korg p ase sendri.
 Asam Laksa..nyonya style
 ni la muke depan Jonker 88...nk order kene beratur k..dlm periuk 2 gule mlake...mintk byk2 skit hahahah

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